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Turning around lives one child at a time.


Family Resource Center and Diversion Services specialize in providing case management to Summit County youth experiencing behavior problems at home or school, truancy issues, violence and conflict in the home, pregnant and or parenting teens, job readiness, and job search. Additionally, any misdemeanor charge, excluding offenses of violence, that are diversion eligible are processed in this unit and treated in a diversionary manner instead of an official court filing. Families are offered the opportunity to take advantage of case management as part of the diversion process. The goal is to strengthen families and to avoid any further involvement of the youth with the juvenile justice system.

Summit County youth and families do not need to be court-involved to take advantage of the preventative services being offered by the Family Resource Center.

conference room

Types of Hearings

Instead of an official hearing in front of a judge of magistrate, you and your child will participate in a diversion session with a Family Resource Center and Diversion Services case manager. 

Types of Outcomes

As an outcome of the diversion session, a consequence and or recommendation is sometimes given such as:

  • An apology letter
  • Restitution
  • Community service
  • Referral to other programming available through the court or in the community. 

Truancy and Failure to Send Cases

Truancy and Failure to Send referrals are handled through the Family Resource Center and Diversion Services.  We understand there are many barriers to school attendance and our goal through diversion is to assist families in addressing barriers to school attendance, connect families to resources and strengthen families.

The Family Resource Center receives funding through the Summit County Department of Job and Family Services, Ilene Shapiro, Executive.

Summit County Job and Family Services Logo
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