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Proposed Local Rules Amendments

Turning around lives one child at a time.

Detention Visitation Procedures

Summit County Juvenile Court Detention Center

Detention Lobby PJE

Procedures for Visitation

All visitors are expected to abide by all procedures on this form in order to visit a juvenile in the Summit County Juvenile Detention Center. 

  1. Only Parents, Stepparents, or Legal Guardians are permitted to visit juveniles in the Summit County Juvenile Detention Center during regular visitation hours (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday). Refer to schedule below. 
  2. There should be no loitering in the Summit County Juvenile Detention Center lobby before/during/after visitation times. Friends, relatives, and/or drivers of those persons visiting juveniles in the facility are not permitted to wait in the lobby. Only two (2) visitors are permitted to visit with a juvenile at each designated visit time.  
  3. Children may not be left in the detention lobby without adult supervision.
  4. Visitors must arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled visitation session and present photo identification to staff. (Contact detention administration for alternative arrangements if photo identification is not available). If you are late (after sign in time listed below), your visit may be denied. Only detention supervisors may approve entrance to visitation for late arrivals.
  5. You will be undergo a symptom screening process (based on Center for Disease Control and Ohio Department of Health guidance), in which you will need to answer questions before entering the visitation area. If you answer yes to any of the questions on the screening form, your visit will be denied. 
  6. Masks are required for visitors.
  7. All visitors must submit to a metal detector screening and hand-held wand screening if needed, by detention staff. Visitors cannot take cell phones, purses, packages, smoking material, food or beverages into the visiting area; these items may be stored in the available lockers. Also, coats, jackets, outerwear, including hats and caps are not permitted in the visitation area; these items may be stored in the available lockers. If any item appears to be concealed under the visitor’s clothing, the visitor will be given the opportunity to voluntarily show the item. If the visitor refuses to cooperate with search and metal detector and/or hand-held wand screening, visitation will be denied.
  8. These visits are no-contact visits. You will be permitted to hug at the beginning and end of each visit, but all other physical contact with the youth, including, but not limited to kissing or holding hands is prohibited.
  9. Proper social distancing will be observed throughout the visitation process, including placement of visitation tables to ensure that visitors are not seated in close proximity to other visitors and the staggering of visitor processing to avoid gathering in the lobby.
  10. Visitors must comply with the dress code and may not bring contraband into the facility. The dress code and definition of contraband may be found on the reverse side of this form.
  11. Visitors are expected to follow directives of Summit County Juvenile Detention Center staff during visitation. Visitation will be denied to any visitors who are verbally or physically abusive to staff or juveniles. Foul language is prohibited. 
  12. Visitation will be denied to anyone who is perceived as being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
  13. Once visitors have gained entrance to the visitation area (secured detention area) they will not be permitted to leave the area and gain re-admittance. The visit will be terminated at that time.

Visitation Schedule

The unit that the juvenile is assigned determines visitation hours. Remember, all visitors must arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled visitation time. If a visitor fails to check in on time, visitation will be denied. Visitors are expected to stay for the duration of the visitation time specified (30 minutes). 

  • Tuesdays: Roetzel Hall and Vuillemin Hall     
    • Arrive: 6:45 p.m.
      • Visit: 7 - 7:30 p.m.                        
    • Arrive: 7:45 p.m.
      • Visit: 8 - 8:30 p.m.             
  • Thursdays: Thomas Hall, Hunsicker Hall  
    • Arrive: 6:45 p.m.
      • Visit: 7 - 7:30 p.m.    
    • Arrive: 7:45 p.m.
      • Visit: 8 - 8:30 p.m.
  • Saturdays: Roetzel Hall and Vuillemin Hall
    • Arrive: 12:45 p.m.
      • Visit: 1 - 1:30 p.m.
    • Arrive: 1:45 p.m.
      • Visit: 2 - 2:30 p.m.
  • Sundays: Thomas Hall, Hunsicker Hall    
    • Arrive: 12:45 p.m. 
      • Visit: 1 - 1:30 p.m.
    • Arrive: 1:45 p.m.
      • Visit: 2 - 2:30 p.m.

These procedures for visitors are subject to change based on community alert levels of Covid-19. Should there be a spike or surge in case numbers and/or an outbreak in the Summit County Juvenile Detention Center, in-person visitations may be suspended. Parents/guardians will be notified in a timely manner of any changes to the visitation procedures. 

Special visits may be granted upon the recommendation of a court worker with superintendent and/or deputy superintendent approval. Special visits are not automatically granted.

Dress Code

Proper attire must be worn at all times during visitation. Failure to abide by the dress code listed within this section may result in visitation being denied.

  1. Clothing must not be revealing or provocative in nature.
  2. Shorts, dresses and skirts must come to the knee or below.
  3. Skirts with revealing slits are not permitted.
  4. Spandex, tight stretch pants, tight leather pants, or tight sweat pants are not permitted.
  5. Undergarments must not be showing.
  6. Tank tops, halter tops, midriff tops, low cut tops and bare shoulders and bare stomachs are not permitted.
  7. Coats, jackets, outerwear, hats and caps are not permitted. 
  8. See through clothing is not permitted.
  9. Clothing that is obscene in nature, content or implication is prohibited.
  10. Clothing that displays gang related signs, or language or drug of alcohol related products or language is also prohibited.


Visitors found bringing contraband into the Summit County Juvenile Detention Center are subject to having their visit interrupted and terminated. Juveniles are prohibited from passing any item to their visitors. If contraband is of an illegal nature, the police will be called. Contraband includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Candy/Gum
  • Cell Phone
  • Cigarettes/Tobacco
  • Food/Liquid
  • Lighters/Matches
  • Magazines/Newspapers
  • Marijuana/Drugs
  • Money
  • Photographs
  • Pornography
  • Postage Stamps
  • Sharp Objects
  • Toiletries
  • Weapons
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